The members of Aravalli Bachao Citizens Movement accompanied two police officers from Bhondsi Police Station on Tuesday morning to show them illegal mining happening near Aravali Pathways School.
According to Ankur Sharma, an active member of Aravalli Bachao Citizens Movement, “Eight members of the Aravalli Bachao Citizens Group showed two police officers from Bhondsi police station the sites of illegal mining near Aravali Pathways School.”
“The police officers have written in their report that illegal mining is taking place in this area but have also stated that this site comes under Tauru police station in Nuh district. The police officers saw a tractor without number plate come out from the forest with loaded illegally mined materials,” he added.
Previously, on June 19, the Aravalli Bachao team accompanied two cops from Badshahpur Police Station on a trek in Aravalli forest. The team plans to visit the four illegal mining sites with the cops from concerned police stations and then go to higher authorities for further action, as told by Neelam Ahluwalia, a member of Aravalli Bachao Citizens Movement.
CitySpidey talked to Ahmed Azeem, one of the cops from Bhondsi police station who accompanied the team on Tuesday. He said that they did see a few traces but didn’t witness any mining firsthand, further action will be taken after the report is filed and SHO gives orders.