On Tuesday, Delhi University released the revised academic calendar for the academic year 2021-22. The academic calendar details the schedule for first-year undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Online teaching had been suspended from May 4 till May 16.
According to the revised schedule, a preparatory break will be given to students from August 3 till August 11. During this time, practical examinations for the second semester will be conducted. The examinations for the semester will take place from August 12 and will continue till August 24. Students will then have a 6-day semester break from August 25 till August 30.
As per the calendar, the next academic session will commence on August 31. Earlier, DU authorities stated that the registration process for undergraduate courses at DU might be pushed till the end of July when the CBSE Class 12 results will be released.
The registration process was scheduled to start on July 15. The evaluation criteria being used by the CBSE might have an impact on DU cut-offs, but authorities say it is “too soon” to tell.
Talking about the formula being used by the CBSE to evaluate Class 12 students, Admissions Chairperson Rajeev Gupta said, “It's too early to tell whether this will impact DU cut offs in any way. The CBSE has only declared its formula, but we will have to see how it is implemented. We only have to do with the results at the end of the day; it is very difficult to say anything till we have the results in front of us. To say anything before would be a pure speculation. Today's formula has no implication on us.”
A class XIIth student, Abhishek Mucchal said, “We are awaiting our results, I have sincerely prepared for my exams but now I am worried about my grades and my admission in Delhi University.”