A video has recently been circulated within numerous Whatsapp groups at Raj Nagar Extension. In the video, a man could be heard claiming that a black dog is specifically targeting children at the premises of KDP Grand Savannah.
Few days back, a 12-year-old girl was bitten at the same society. He is also suspecting the specific dog behind multiple attacks in the past.
Of late, several societies, at Raj Nagar Extension, have become a battle ground between dog haters and dog lovers. The presence of stray dogs and incidents related to it has created an issue within societies of RNE.
Few days back, a 12-year-old girl was bitten at the same society. He is also suspecting the specific dog behind multiple attacks in the past.
Of late, several societies, at Raj Nagar Extension, have become a battle ground between dog haters and dog lovers. The presence of stray dogs and incidents related to it has created an issue within societies of RNE.