Sunil Sharma, a resident of Palam Vihar in Gurugram, last week visited a friend in Dwarka’s Sector 12 and made the mistake of depending on the signboards, which are either missing or in a damaged state.
He not only lost his way but ended up spending extra hours on the road, misled by the signboards that are meant to help commuters and visitors.
“As I was travelling from Sector 22 side, I somehow managed to reach Sector 9 Metro Station but from there onwards, I had a difficult time as signboards on the master plan road were either missing or damaged,” said Sunil.
Even the map guide boards, which have been installed at the entrance of every sector or residential locality, are in bad shape. Most of them are unreadable with pamphlets pasted all over.
DDA had installed these boards at all major points in Dwarka including roads, sectors, markets, lanes and master plan roads, with an aim to provide information and layout of a particular area and locality.
Anil Pratap, a resident of Sector 8, said, “These maps, which were once useful for the residents and visitors, have been reduced to ugly, unreadable boards. The plastic charts pasted on these boards have been completely damaged and serve no purpose, for example, the boards near the traffic signal of Sector 10/11 in front of DDA Sports Complex and near MRV Bus Stop in Sector 13. These should be replaced with the new ones.”
On Master Plan roads across Dwarka, many large, blue signboards giving information and directions are either missing or have been damaged.
The residents said that they have complained about the matter to DDA many times but nothing has been done yet. Vice president of Dwarka Forum, Sunil Sareen, said, “In the past, this subject has been discussed with DDA and police too. We have asked them to replace the damaged boards but they haven’t done anything so far.”
One of the DDA officials said that the subject was in consideration and damaged boards would be replaced soon.
He not only lost his way but ended up spending extra hours on the road, misled by the signboards that are meant to help commuters and visitors.
“As I was travelling from Sector 22 side, I somehow managed to reach Sector 9 Metro Station but from there onwards, I had a difficult time as signboards on the master plan road were either missing or damaged,” said Sunil.
Even the map guide boards, which have been installed at the entrance of every sector or residential locality, are in bad shape. Most of them are unreadable with pamphlets pasted all over.
DDA had installed these boards at all major points in Dwarka including roads, sectors, markets, lanes and master plan roads, with an aim to provide information and layout of a particular area and locality.
Anil Pratap, a resident of Sector 8, said, “These maps, which were once useful for the residents and visitors, have been reduced to ugly, unreadable boards. The plastic charts pasted on these boards have been completely damaged and serve no purpose, for example, the boards near the traffic signal of Sector 10/11 in front of DDA Sports Complex and near MRV Bus Stop in Sector 13. These should be replaced with the new ones.”
On Master Plan roads across Dwarka, many large, blue signboards giving information and directions are either missing or have been damaged.
The residents said that they have complained about the matter to DDA many times but nothing has been done yet. Vice president of Dwarka Forum, Sunil Sareen, said, “In the past, this subject has been discussed with DDA and police too. We have asked them to replace the damaged boards but they haven’t done anything so far.”
One of the DDA officials said that the subject was in consideration and damaged boards would be replaced soon.