In what came as a shocker to residents of Gurgaon, a man was shot dead early on Tuesday morning, while his wife sustained bullet injuries trying to save him, when three miscreants opened fire on them in Badshahpur village. The accused had come on their motorcycle and shot at the couple from behind as they were milking their buffalo.
While the man died on the spot, his wife sustained gunshot injuries. She was rushed to a local hospital and is now said to be in stable condition.
The man who was shot dead in Badshahpur village
The police have registered an FIR based on the statement of the woman, in which she has identified one of the assailants. The police said the deceased was a witness in a criminal case, which was being tried in a local court.
Soon after the incident, agitated residents of Badshahpur village blocked Sohna Road at 8 am, throwing traffic out of gear in many parts of the city. The blockage continued till about 12.30 pm, as villagers sat on the road demanding the formation of a Special Investigating Team (SIT) and immediate arrest of the culprits.
The blockage was cleared only after senior officials of Gurgaon Police reached the spot and pacified the villagers.