In a notice issued today by Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA), a daycare centre running in an Ashiana Upvan flat in Indirapuram, was ordered to be immediately shut down, as the practice was illegal. GDA maintained that no crèche or daycare centre could be operated from flats of high-rise societies in Ghaziabad, as it was against the property-use policy of flats for residential purposes only, and violated the UP Apartment Act 2010.
According to members of the society’s AOA, the daycare centre initially catered to only residents of Ashiana Upvan, but was later opened to families outside the society as well. The regular entry of unidentified people into the society posed not only a security threat to residents but also created a nuisance to others.
The notice further went on to state that if the daycare centre was not immediately closed, there would be action initiated against it in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973.
Speaking to City Spidey, Anil Sharma, general secretary of the AOA, said that a complaint in this regard was also initiated on behalf of other residents of the society. “Such services involve a lot of children and domestic helps, which leads to a lot of noise and commotion. A large number of parents also visit the society flat, which causes the residents inconvenience,” Sharma said.
AOA members further said the daycare centre did not have proper licences and NOCs, which could pose serious problems in case any mishap did take place.
Similar views were also shared by Alok Kumar, president of the Federation of Association of Apartment Owners (FedAOA). He said that although it was convenient for parents living in the society, such services should be barred if they caused trouble for other residents.