You'd be lying if you said you haven't experienced excruciating back or shoulder pain at the end of a tiring day at work. The chaotic and hectic everyday schedules have forced everyone to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, devoid of any physical activity and nutritious food.
Chronic body, shoulder and back aches are mostly ignored with a shoulder shrug and an expression, "it's temporary & normal". However, it is neither temporary, nor normal.
Dr Rewat Kaninde, General Physician at Mumbai's JJ Hospital, listed the following medical issues that a desk job and a sedentary lifestyle cause.
Back aches
Most of the time, our posture while working is not correct. Sitting in an incorrect posture for straight eight to ten hours, without any breaks or small breaks, can cause back aches as well as swelling in the buttock area.
Vitamin D deficiency
Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Working from the confines of a room or office without any direct or indirect exposure to sunlight can lead to deficiency of vitamin D in our body. This can lead to back as well as joint aches.
Irritation in eyes
The increased screen time has not only pumped the eyeglasses industry but has caused serious eye problems. An increased screen time causes strain which in turn causes more exhaustion of the eye muscles. Weak eyesight has also become a common problem due to the heavy dependency on online modes of communication during the pandemic-induced lockdown.
Cardiovascular diseases
Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the doctor said that we are more prone to develop cardiovascular diseases at a young age. Increased levels of fat and cholesterol leads to cardiovascular problems.
We may not be able to control the pandemic but we sure can take proper care of our bodies by leading a healthier lifestyle, in and outside the workplace. This is where yoga poses for your workplace come in.
The best part? No fancy equipment is required. The only thing you need to do is to take a break while working and practice these yoga poses regularly.
Swami Amit Dev, pradhan yogacharya of Shri Yog Abhyas Ashram Trust in Delhi's Tilak Nagar, explained the following yoga poses.
For back pain:
- Shushk Neoli

When sitting in your chair, put both hands on your shoulders and rotate.
2. Nadi Taan (to stretch the upper body)

Interlock your hands together, turn them around, and raise them slowly while breathing in. The upper spine (starting from tailbone to head) is stretched in this pose.
3. Parvatasana
Breathe in and raise your hands towards the sky, while sitting only. This pose massages the body and stretches well, especially the upper spine which includes the cervical region (C1 to C5).
4. Shanmukhi Mudra

Place your thumbs on your ears. Keep your first finger on your eyes, the second finger on your nose, the third finger below it, and the fourth finger below your lips.
Now, concentrate between the center point of the eyebrows. After a few times, keep your hands on your knees and make sure that your mind is concentrating on the same thing that you were thinking about earlier. This pose helps with positivity.
5. Katibath

Sit in a chair. Hold the back of the chair with your left hand and the arm of the chair with your right hand. Twist to one side while moving your body and knees in the opposite direction. Repeat in the other direction.
This pose will massage your lower spine (S4 to S7).
If possible, use cushions. Keep cushions behind your back for 10 days and put those cushions under your hips for the next 10 days. This will help remove slipped disc issues.
Eyesight Yoga
Suksham Tratak

Take a green leaf. Hold the tip of that leaf. Move the tip of the leaf and your eyes simultaneously from left to right. Do not move your neck, only your eyes. Maintain your concentration level.
If you do not find a green leaf, look at your thumb. This will help relax your eyes. However, green leaf yoga is more effective.
For Cardiovascular Disease
- Balmachalan

Sit in your chair and maintain a gap between your legs and your table.
Move your legs in a circulatory motion just like we do while cycling.
These yoga poses are easy, quick to perform and necessary to relax our bodies.