For everyone, my father is ‘Manoo jee Tickoo‘ but for me he is a ‘meat and potatoes’ kind of guy who was born and raised in the Valley. He enjoys cooking, and is very good at it, but I won’t call him a Gordon Ramsay’s apprentice. But the times I’ve spent with my father in the kitchen or in a car ride are some of the best times of my life. When I was a kid, I would see my dad helping my mother in the kitchen by washing vegetables or peeling carrots.
My childhood memories of him are as a stern, strict and not very communicative man. He’d crack the most unhumorous Dad jokes and we’d all grimace and laugh dutifully.
As a teenager, it was the time we connected over all those how hotel things works, what he does and being a hotelier he always taught us all kind of dinner table manners, how to hold on to spoon, folk or knife.
When I was just 3 years old, I did not see a lot of my dad; he was always working long hours and on weekends too. I at that time knew that he was working in a hotel so, but thought he was a chef; and at home, it was mum who always did the cooking. Maybe it was because dad was cooked out by the time he got back from his job.
He would sometimes cook on weekends that he did not work, showing off his skills by setting the wok aflame whilst preparing his signature chicken and mutton. My brother and I would exchange impressed glances and take silent thrill in his workmanship.
My father is my hero and guide in my life. He is the one I look upon whenever I find myself in trouble. My father has been my guiding force for all my major decisions in life. In fact, I have never regretted adhering to his advice as it has always worked for me. He is a hardworking and passionate person. I still remember how he uses to tell me his story of his struggles and how he and my grandmother left everything during Kashmir exodus and always wanted me to learn Kashmiri language and know my culture too.
The only thing he used to talk about was his childhood in Kashmir, how he learnt everything from his father and how during migration he lived in a small migration camps and rose to achieve a stable life. Living in his own house in Kashmir and coming to new city wasn't easy for him but that's what I have learnt from him, never give up on anything, you will get what you deserve.
As I grew up my father became my friend. I can discuss everything with my father, even those that I dare not speak in front of my mother. I know that he shall keep it a secret and give the advice I need. He is the one whom I can rely upon blindly during any hour of need, and I know that he shall be there for me.
Well, there’s a lot to say about your dad, but you can’t really express your feelings about your dad in just a few words.
Well, I remember how busy my father was in my childhood times, He was working extra shifts to give me a beautiful future and in my childhood times I used to feel that my father doesn’t love me but now looking at him makes me feel like how lucky I am to have you ‘DAD’.
Even during this lockdown time, I was happiest person to see my father 24\7 at home and we spent a lot of time with him, while playing ludo, talking about his and mom’s love story or listening about his childhood ventures. Every memory with my father is precious to me and my brother.
As a Father’s Day gift this year, I think there’s nothing better than to find some time and enjoy with your dad. Those couple of hours laughing and talking together are priceless.