Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Tuesday said the government will now aim to clean the Yamuna river after defeating the Covid-19 pandemic successfully. He said that the Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP government will make all efforts to clean the river in next three years.
The statement was released amid falling numbers of Covid-19 cases and fatalities in the national capital.
In a statement released on the completion of the Arvind Kejriwal government, Jain said, “After defeating coronavirus, the Delhi government will aim to clean the Yamuna river in three years from now.”
“The Delhi government has firmly fought the war against coronavirus,” he said.
Delhi reported 94 new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, the lowest in over 9 months, while the positivity rate slipped to 0.17 per cent, as per the health bulletin.
There was only one fatality on Tuesday. It took the death toll in the city to 10,894. Delhi had recorded 96 coronavirus cases on January 27, that time the lowest in over nine months, and the first time the daily count had stood below the 100-mark in that month.
No death due to Covid-19 was recorded on Saturday in Delhi, second time in February when the single-day fatality count was nil. On February 9, no fatality due to Covid-19 was registered in the national capital, after a gap of nearly nine months.
Also, on February 5 and 7, the fatality counts were two on both the days, same as on February 2. The minister also claimed that 73 percent of people got zero amount of electricity bills during the pandemic.
“Almost a year is about to end and people who were getting free electricity are getting it free, those who were getting at the half-rate, continued to get it at half-rate. In the last billing cycle, 73 percent of people got zero amount electricity bills. Even the water bill of 13,66,000 people was zero,” he said.