People from the Tamil community on Sunday organised festival at the Sheetla Mata Mandir in Sector 3, Dwarka. People from all across the sub city participated in the traditional celebrations.
Huge crowd gathered at the temple premises during the festival. The crowd eagerly watched the rituals such as walk on the fire, pierced mouth and bodies of the devotees.
Organisers of the festival from Karmariamman Temple (Sheetla Mata Mandir) said, “We have been organising this festival every year for the last 22 years in Dwarka.”
Huge crowd gathered at the temple premises during the festival. The crowd eagerly watched the rituals such as walk on the fire, pierced mouth and bodies of the devotees.
Organisers of the festival from Karmariamman Temple (Sheetla Mata Mandir) said, “We have been organising this festival every year for the last 22 years in Dwarka.”