Come summer and you can very well say goodbye to the image of children playing gleefully in the parks and playgrounds. It actually gives the kids a very good reason to stay indoors and become addicted to the gadgets.
Keeping this very trend in mind, Fortune Residency, a high-rise in Raj Nagar Extension, conducted its second season of “Beat the Heat” – a cultural event for kids and teenagers – on Sunday.
The organisers of the one-day event conducted a range of activities for the participants like race, drawing competition, group dance, solo dance, musical chair, tug of war, cycling and many others.
The society hosted this event for the second time to welcome summer. “We believe that the start summer should be celebrated by shrugging off the laziness and getting into action," said Prashant Kesarwani, a resident and one of the organisers of the event.
The event was enjoyed by kids as well as adults.
The various games held at the event were designed according to the different age groups. However, they were enjoyed by everyone including the senior citizens.
"The games were divided into three groups according to the age: 4-7 years, 7-14 years and above 14 years," told Kesarwani.
"For the first group, games like potato in a tub race, spoon and lemon race, 30 metres cycle race and drawing competition were organised. For 7-14 years group, cycling and race were held while for the last group (above 14 years), 100-metres cycle race was organised," Kesarwani added.
Talking about the motive of the event, he said, “It fulfilled two purposes. It gave the residents an opportunity to know each other. Secondly, the kids gave up the screens and gadgets for a day. It is a big deal for the parents as they want kids to break this habit and enjoy outdoor games. It will keep them fit as well," Kesarwani said.
Beat the Heat was started by the residents in year 2018. But now the organisers aim to conduct it every year on the first Sunday of April.
Currently, all the activities happened inside the society compound and were exclusively for the society's residents. “However, we plan to expand it in Raj Nagar Extension on a bigger level," Kesarwani said.