Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Severe water crisis hits La Residentia; residents blame poor maintenance

It is festival time for all but people living in Noida Extension’s La Residentia society are facing a tough time because of severe water shortage which is longing for the past 24 hours.

According to the residents, society’s third-grade maintenance of the essential systems is the reason for this acute problem.

When asked about the current situation and the course of action being taken, one of the residents, Sumil Jalota said, “Many towers are without water since last night. Main water supply line is damaged and the maintenance team is unable to rectify it even after 20 hours.”

He added, “The maintenance of our society has been plagued since last many months due to inefficient staffs.”

Other residents say the problem is so severe that many towers have no water at all since last 12 hours.

“Kids and office goers are facing huge difficulty as they are forced to miss their schedules. Moreover, we are compelled to borrow buckets of water from other towers for our basic needs,” they say.

Meanwhile, the maintenance team finally arrived around 11:30 am today. As a temporary relief, they provided a water tanker and a housekeeping staff to supply water in buckets.

They have also provided 20 litres of the water bottle for drinking purpose. However, it is clearly inadequate, comparing it with the number of towers and people residing there.

When City Spidey contacted the maintenance department concerned, one of its members said they are repairing the damaged pipe and it will be repaired soon.