On October 4, an announcement was made by South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) in a public meeting at the SDMC community hall in Sector 23. It was declared that within three days Sector 22 and 23 would witness a sea change in the way the waste is managed — they would become model sectors.
But that was not to be.
RWAs and managements of the area claim there has been no change at the ground level. On the one hand, societies are not doing segregation properly and where it is being implemented, SDMC workers end up mixing the dry and wet waste during collection.
Vice-president of New Millennium Apartments in Sector 23, MS Suri, said, “There’s no change — an announcement was merely made by the SDMC.”
DC Mathur, general secretary of Sukh Dukh Ke Sathi, and a resident of New Kanchanjunga Apartments in Sector 23, added, “During the meeting on October 4, we had asked them to start the process on a pilot basis in at least four societies. We had suggested societies like Chitrakoot Apartments, New Kanchanjunga Apartments, Air Lines and Green Tower for the project.”
President of Ram Krishna Apartments in Sector 23, Kamlakar Darbari, said, “We organised two workshops on waste segregation, and started the process as well. But unfortunately, the SDMC itself is not prepared.”
According to SDMC, it has made more than 50 composting pits in the parks. But the pits are hardly functional, claim many.
RK Sharma, a resident of Sector 22, said, “Last year, they said from October 2, proper waste management would start. But things have been the same since last year. In fact, we have regressed!”