A vacant plot adjacent to Fortune Residency in Rajnagar Extension, now completely waterlogged, has become the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. And the lackadaisical response of the GDA hasn’t helped. News
This plot was earlier utilised as a weekly market for fruits and vegetables and also a site for hosting Hindu festivals. But heavy rains last month turned this site into a health threat for the area.
The sewage pipe line in front of Fortune Residency burst owing to the heavy downpour last month in Ghaziabad. The leaking water through the pipe washed away the mud below the road, making a part of it collapse.
To prevent further damage, the sewage line was blocked, confirmed Tyagi, an employee with Fortune Residency maintenance office.
Since then, he added, the society has been discarding its sewage water directly into the roadside drain. “We have no other option as our multiple requests to municipal corporation and the GDA to repair the sewage line have fallen on deaf ears,” he said.
There’s more to the problem.
Bluemoon Residency, situated right next to the Fortune Residency, has constructed a mud mound of sorts to stop the sewage water from entering its site that’s still under construction.
The mud mound to stop water from flowing into the Bluemoon Residency site
This has led to the overflow of the roadside drain, which is already carrying the discharge from Fortune Residency. Thus, inevitably, the overflowing water has spilled onto the road and is now streaming toward the vacant ground on the opposite side of the road.
Bluemoon Residency also had to drain out the excess rainwater at the site to the adjacent ground. The rains had waterlogged the basement of Bluemoon Residency, after which, they flushed out the rainwater to the ground lying next to them.
“But what else could be done? We had to dump the water somewhere because the drain running parallel to the ground is completely choked,” a maintenance worker of Bluemoon Residency said on condition of anonymity.
Also, last year, during Ramnavmi celebrations, a ramp was created for the visitors to walk over the drain and enter the ground, said Babu, owner of a cigarette shop opposite the ground.
The ramp broke after Ramnavmi rush and its debris completely clogged the drain, Babu added.
All in all, the situation has gone from bad to worse, and unless the water is immediately removed, an outbreak of vector-borne diseases is a distinct possibility.
City Spidey contacted the GDA, which has jurisdiction over the land.
Keshav Ram, Assistant Engineer from GDA, told City Spidey that the cleaning of drains has been initiated. He also informed that a letter was sent to enforcement department of the authority to ask Bluemoon to remove their blockage over the drain.
The overflowing main drain along Fortune Residency