Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday said that all allottees of the sectors developed by the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) — now rechristened the Haryana Shahri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) — can avail a 40 per cent rebate if they paid the enhancement charges to the body within two months.
The Chief Minister announced this relief when he met the protesting HUDA Sector 57 allottees, who were demanding a roll back of enhancement charges sought by the HUDA in March. In Gurugram, nearly 6,000 HUDA allottees joined state-wide protests as they are also directly affected by the increased enhancement charges. Unhappy with the rebate announced by the CM on Friday, the allottees have declared that they will take their protest forward.
Tejinder Sehrawat, who represented the Sector 57 allottees, said, “in March 2018, the HUDA served us a second enhancement notice. The notice caused massive resentment among allottees across the state. It is totally unjustified and demand a rollback. We have not accepted the CM’s announcement and are mulling our future course of action.” Gurgaon News
The HUDA has asked plot buyers to pay an additional amount at a rate of ₹6,788 per square metre, as the amount would be passed on to farmers whose land the HUDA acquired to carve residential sectors in 2003-04.
“This additional amount is called the enhancement. In 2013, the HUDA had sent us the first enhancement notice at rate of ₹6700 per square metre. We have been protesting the enhancement, calling it unjustified, as the enhancement calculation method is improper,” said Pankaj Yadav, another allottee.
In Sector 57, there are 4,500 plots of five different sizes — 163 square yards, 200 square yards, 263 square yards, 350 square yards and 500 square yards. The HUDA sold these plots in 2004 to allottees at ₹4550 per square yard through an open draw, after purchasing the land from local farmers. The farmers later moved civil court saying that the HUDA acquired their land at a lower rate than the prevailing market price and they needed compensation. As per the current enhancement calculation method, a plot holder of 200 square yards, for instance, would have to pay ₹13 lakh as enhancement.
Hemant Kumar, a social activist, said, “The CM’s announcement will raise many questions. For instance, those who paid the enhancement earlier might ask for similar discounts.”
Chander Shekhar Khare, administrator, HUDA, Gurugram, said, “The department will formulate a policy and will send it to us shortly.”