Monday, 23 April 2018

RESIDENT SPEAK: Beautification of circles with statues conducive to environment

SK Malik, a resident of Youngster Apartments in Sector 6 said: The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has beautified some roads near circles by erecting statues made of iron on bricks/cement/tiles platform in Dwarka.

I appreciate the decision to clean crossings and erect structures. We need a place where summer heat is absorbed; road user can take rest in the shadow.

I praise the move as children can play, birds and butterfly can make a nest and improve the environment.

I suggest to SDMC that they should do the same in rest of crossings. I will be pleased if instead of building materials, same can be done by horticulture department with plants, climbers and wood.

This will help because Dwarka is already a concrete jungle of high rise.

We will have following advantages:

Low capital cost, rainwater storage facility and humidity control.
Absorption of bad odour and oxygen formation.
Road noise and dust will be absorbed, air quality will improve.
On the social front, it will give employment to uneducated people. This will be very aesthetic in looks. But, at the same time, it will need regular care.