Saturday, 17 March 2018

Gurgaon plot owners in Sector 57 to challenge HUDA notice

In response to HUDA’s notice to pay more to compensate farmers, plot buyers in Sector 57 will move the high court once again.

In the notice, which is yet to be sent, the allottees have been asked to pay Rs 5,673 per square yard to compensate landowners in Wazirabad village and others, from whom the plots were acquired.

HUDA had acquired the land from farmers of villages in Sector 57 in 2002-03 and conducted a draw to allot plots to nearly 3,500 buyers in 2003. Five years ago, the landowners moved the Punjab and Haryana high court demanding higher compensation for the land.

Acknowledging the demand of the landowners, the court ordered HUDA to compensate them with additional money, or enhancement, that it would collect from plot buyers.

This is second enhancement demand from HUDA since the allotment.

“We challenged the first enhancement and that is already pending in the high court, for which the next date of hearing is April 16. Meanwhile, the chief administrator office HUDA has asked its local office to send us a second enhancement notice of Rs 5,673 per sq yard. This is wrong!” lashed out Pankaj Yadav, counsel for the plot buyers.

The rate, plot owners claim, is high, and they will challenge it in the high court as soon as they receive a notice from HUDA. 

They had formed an association in Sector 57 to fight a legal battle against alleged unjustified enhancement demand of Huda.

“HUDA has not disbursed compensation to farmers after collecting first enhancements from plot buyers, but is demanding Rs 5,673.47 per sq yard again! This is ridiculous and we will challenge it,” Vikas Jain, a plot buyer, said.

Jain who got a plot through a draw in 2004 is yet to get possession of the land.

 “HUDA will send enhancement notice to the all plot owners of Sector 57 soon, following a direction from the head office at Panchkula,” confirmed Vivek Kalia, estate officer 2, HUDA.