Water gushing out of a leaking water pipeline has turned a residential area in Gurgaon Sector 54, near the Golf Course Road, into a lake. Residents have told City Spidey that the pipeline, which is damaged in three places, has been leaking for the past nine months. Over time, the water has become filthier and is now a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Residents therefore are constantly living in fear of diseases. They claim that despite repeated complaints to the authorities, no action has been taken to mend the pipeline.
Infact only last Saturday, a group of residents had visited the office of the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram seeking immediate action. The officials have assured them that the issue will be addressed at the earliest. The issue has also been highlighted on social media. Some residents even claim that they have sent emails to the civic agencies, seeking action, but got no response.
The waterlogged road connects Sectors 53, 54, 56 and 57. Commuters who have to navigate through it on a daily basis are therefore facing a very tough time. It is also a regular stretch for people who use the Rapid Metro.
Anand Tayal, chairperson of Go Green and a resident of Bhawani Apartments in Sector 54 said, “For maintaining the pipelines, the authorities pay Rs 60,000 every month to a contractor. This contractor is not doing his job. There is no guard or lineman to even check the leakage. The water has flooded the road near our society, making it an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. We are fearing an outbreak of dengue or malaria if the situation persists any longer. I have been writing to the authorities over the last nine months, but haven’t received any response.”
It clearly appears that the civic authorities are not concerned about the health of residents. “And this leakage is not the only problem that we are facing. Garbage is also mounting on this waterlogged stretch. I fail to understand why the authorities could not address this situation in such a long time,” said Jay Kishore, a resident of Sector 54. Gurugram News
However, the MCG officials have said that they will send their executive engineer to check why the leakage has been persisting despite repeated repair work.
Speaking to City Spidey, Yashpal Yadav, MCG Commissioner, said, “The issue has been brought to our notice and we will take prompt action.” This assurance however has not satisfied the residents who claim that all this while the authorities have been making tall promises but not delivering on ground.