Thursday, 9 November 2017

NEWS FLASH: Odd-even back in Delhi from Nov 13 to Nov 17

With pollution levels going through the roof in the NCR, and settling quite comfortably in "hazardous" zone, the time seems apt for the third stint of the odd-even traffic scheme to make a reappearance in Delhi. And so it has. The Delhi government has brought back the odd-even scheme, to be observed from November 13-17.

However, it is important to note that this time, the scheme is being implemented for only five days, as opposed to the 15-day stints twice earlier.
The reason behind this remains unclear, as also the type of vehicles to be exempt from the scheme. Will two-wheelers fall within the ambit of the scheme? 
As more details are awaited, residents in the NCR can only hope this brings about some improvement in the region's pollution levels, along with the ban on construction activities until November 14. 
Fingers crossed.