The residents of Sushant Lok who have suffered a perennial water crisis are relieved with the MCG’s decision to take over the supply. On Friday, the municipal body formally took over the physical possession of the water supply system.
One of the most adversely affected areas in Sushant Lok has incidentally been Block C. Gurgaon Local News
“The MCG officials are spending time to understand the exact system of water supply. They have already identified the loopholes and problem areas and going by their pace, restoration work is expected to start soon,” said Sudhir Sachdeva, founder of Sachdeva Foundation.
The water problem has actually stemmed from the four booster stations that require heavy motors to pump water. Four motors have been allocated to each boosting station. However, many of these are defunct and thus the water pumping has been adversely affected. apartment management software
“We have identified the faults in the motors and determined which ones need replacement. Last month we had also identified the tube wells that are in need of repair. Since we are physically inspecting each aspect, the sector shall soon be free of water woes,” informed a junior engineer from MCG.