Monday, 11 September 2017

Father of Pradduman Thakur demands action

The helpless father of Pradduman Thakur, a second standard student of  Ryan International School who was brutally murdered in the school premises today morning is demanding some straight answers from the law enforcement authorities.  
In a meeting with Deepak Sharan, Deputy Commissioner of Police, the victim's father said that after today's henious incident, parents can never entrust their wards to the care of a school.
The anguished father said that had his child met with an accidental death he could have still resigned to his fate. However, the fact that Pradduman was murdered raises serious questions about the state of security prevailing in today's educational establishments. He hence urged the authorities to come down heavily on Ryan International and other schools that have been slackening on issues pertaining to the safety of children.  rwa management software