While most people felt happy as the rains kicked in, its aftermath left residents and AOAs of trans-Hindon high-rises feeling burdened.
Most residents had to step out and clean their backyards on their own yesterday.
Indirapuram AOAs had to seek the help housekeeping staff and security guards to wash out the stagnant water from society premises into already overflowing sewers. Some had to even hire additional manpower. Indirapuram News
Jigyasu Pant, a resident of Gaur Green City, said, "We are prepared to spend Rs 40-50,000 annually for the monsoon months — to get the society drains and the main sewer lines cleaned up. Suction pumps, motors and cleaning sewer lines require money — something that we need to bear out every year. We pay the housekeeping staff overtime for their services — sometimes, they work the entire day."
The AOAs did not take a break until late evening yesterday or even today morning. Most residents supervised the housekeeping while they cleaned the basements. The water had to be partially sucked out using suction pumps. Indirapuram Local News
Jaipuria Sunrise Greens AOA spent over Rs 20,000 to hire a pair of pumps at hiked rates. "Our society basements are at three levels, and water gathers mostly at -2 and -3 levels. The basement area is huge, with a parking space for over 1,000 cars, hence one suction pump of the society is not enough. I hired two more at Rs 12,000 each," said Ravindra Saini, AOA president.
For some, even leaving home became a gargantuan task. "It’s annoying to get stuck at home for over 24 hours, for something like this. What if there was a medical emergency? Why doesn't the GDA look into cleaning of drains at the right time," complained a bitter resident of Sumeru Tower, Sector 14.
AOA members of Amrapali Village had to work till late night along with their housekeeping staff to empty the water out of the basement. The water, according to them, had entered the elevator and was affecting the sensors.
“The lifts had turned into traps, and a child was stuck in it today," said Rakesh Kumar, an AOA member. Lashing out at the GDA, he continued, "The GDA has only made tall promises, but when the crunch comes, it is us — hapless residents — who have to take care of the drains on the main road even in the rains. We had filed a complaint on July 10 with them, but none of the GDA nodal officers responded to our calls on the numbers given to us.”
After a boundary wall caved in at Niho Scottish Gardens yesterday morning, stagnant water from the park rushed into the already rain-filled basement. The water was removed with the help of suction pumps, but added expenses have the AOA members worried.
And of course, there’s the threat of chikunguniya and dengue, waiting to rear its ugly head. Waterlogging within society walls and basements provide perfect breeding conditions. Residents are now demanding an anti-mosquito drive on a war footing.
Anybody listening?